Begg x Co Animal Welfare

Animal welfare and sustainability are very high priorities for us at Begg x Co, as almost all the fibres we use come from animals. We make every decision ethically and with sustainability being at the forefront of our minds.  

The angora fibre in our products is Caregora, where the rabbits are shaved, not plucked. Shaving the rabbits causes the animals no stress or harm.  All standards of welfare for the rabbits meet those defined by DEFRA (the UK Government Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs).  Adherence to these standards is certified by SGS, an international certifying organisation. Our sustainability team make regular visits each year to the farms where the rabbits are kept ensuring due diligence on all matters relating to our business and the industry.

Environmental impact

We actively collaborate with a number of partners to ensure due diligence on all matters relating to the textile industry’s impact on the natural environment and work hard to minimise the inevitable risks.